Kusintha kwa ndalama, Kusintha kwa ndalama
Kusintha ndalama Kusintha kwa mlingo wa kusintha Zotsatira zamakono pa intaneti Ndalama mitengo kuwombola mbiri

Dollar Bermuda Kuti Chile Unidad de A Fomento mbiri kusinthitsa ndalama (2021)

Dollar Bermuda Kuti Chile Unidad de A Fomento mbiri kusinthitsa ndalama mbiri chifukwa 2006 mpaka 2024. Ndalama kutembenuka tchati Dollar Bermuda Kuti Chile Unidad de A Fomento (2021).

Timasunga mbiri yakale yosinthanitsa ndi ndalama zonse pachaka chilichonse. Mbiri yonse ya Dollar Bermuda mpaka Chile Unidad de A Fomento kusinthanitsa kwa chaka chilichonse. Dollar Bermuda tsiku lililonse. Mbiri yakale ya Dollar Bermuda to Chile Unidad de A Fomento kusinthitsa kuyambira 1992 kupita ku 2024 ikupezeka patsamba lino. Mbiri yakale ya Dollar Bermuda to Chile Unidad de A Fomento kusinthitsa kuyambira 1992 kupita ku 2024 pachaka chilichonse.

Chithunzi chojambulidwa cha Dollar Bermuda to Chile Unidad de A Fomento chikuwonetsa zonse zaka 30 zapitazi. Mbiri ya Dollar Bermuda patsamba lili patsamba lathu. Chithunzi chojambulidwa cha Dollar Bermuda to Chile Unidad de A Fomento kuyambira 1992 chokhala ndi mtengo pachaka chilichonse. Sinthanitsani tchati ndikuwona ndendende yatsatanetsatane ya Dollar Bermuda mpaka Chile Unidad de A Fomento cha chaka chosankhidwa. Kuti mudziwe kuchuluka kwake kwa chaka chathachi, onjezani za mbiriyakale ya Dollar Bermuda mpaka Chile Unidad de A Fomento.

Sinthani Dollar Bermuda Kuti Chile Unidad de A Fomento Dollar Bermuda Kuti Chile Unidad de A Fomento Mtengo wosinthitsira Dollar Bermuda Kuti Chile Unidad de A Fomento moyo pa Ndalama Zakunja kuwombola msika
Date Mlingo
December 2021 0.029985
November 2021 0.029482
October 2021 0.029385
September 2021 0.028118
August 2021 0.027422
July 2021 0.026539
June 2021 0.026199
mulole 2021 0.025756
April 2021 0.026112
March 2021 0.026235
February 2021 0.026630
January 2021 0.025749

Mbiri Mbiri yosinthanitsa ya Dollar Bermuda to Chile Unidad de A Fomento zili pagome pachaka chilichonse. Mutha kuwona zolemba zakale za Dollar Bermuda mitengo yosinthira kuyambira 1992 patsamba lanu. Izi Dollar Bermuda to Chile Unidad de A Fomento mitengo ya kusinthanitsa patebulo chaka chilichonse ndi mfulu pano. Zolemba za mwezi uliwonse za Dollar Bermuda to Chile Unidad de A Fomento, mutha kuwona ngati mutadina ulalo wazachaka pazosintha za mbiriyakale pachaka. Mutha kuwona Dollar Bermuda mpaka Chile Unidad de A Fomento kusinthanitsa kwa chaka chilichonse ndi mwezi uliwonse. Dinani ulalo wa chaka.

Kusintha kwa mtengo wosinthanitsa kwanthaŵi yayitali kukuwonekera bwino patsamba lathu pa mbiri yamtengo wosinthana. Dziwani kuchuluka kwandalama zomwe zasintha pazaka 10, 20 kapena 30. Onani tchati cha zolemba nthawi yayitali. Kuchulukitsa ndi kuchepa kwa Dollar Bermuda / Chile Unidad de A Fomento kusinthanitsa chaka chilichonse kwa: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 , 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, zaka 2020. Sankhani ndalama zosiyana m'malo mwa Chile Unidad de A Fomento kuti mumve mbiri ya Dollar Bermuda motsutsana ndi ndalama ina.

Sankhani ndalama m'malo mwa a Dollar Bermuda kuti mudziwe mbiri yamtengo wake wosinthira ku Chile Unidad de A Fomento. Mbiri ya pa intaneti ya kuchuluka kwa ndalama imodzi kwa zaka zonse kwapita. Dollar Bermuda to Chile Unidad de A Fomento mitengo yosinthira kuyambira 1992 kupita ku 2024 akuwonetsedwa pano. Kuti muwone Dollar Bermuda mpaka Chile Unidad de A Fomento a mwezi uliwonse, dinani ulalo pa tebulo la zaka.